[scribus] chain frames, "do not" link them

ale rimoldi ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Wed Dec 26 10:03:39 UTC 2018

> Come on! Missing words or parts of sentences can happen to everyone,
> especially if typing in haste. I was referring to things like this:
> "ps.: and if it does not translate well into swedish (or any other
> language), that should not be a stopper for choosing an english word.
> personally, i have the feeling that the german
> "verknüpfen" (wiktionary: etwas mit etwas gedanklich in einen
> Zusammenhang bringen) and the french "enchaîiner" (larousse: Lier des
> actions, des mouvements, des phrases, etc., les uns aux autres, faire
> qu'ils se succèdent de manière logique, coordonner selon un certain
> ordre ou de manière ininterrompue)..."
> What is this supposed to mean? 

i did not have the original email anymore and could not check (without
some research effort).

since you're asking again:

this means: picking an english word for the english UI should not
depend on considerations about the swedish language.
for other languages (like DE, FR) there might be good solutions.


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