[scribus] designing instructional posters on code/programming -- lots of syntax highlighting

Lars Behrens lars.behrens at kit.edu
Tue Jan 10 08:11:42 UTC 2017

Am Mon, 9 Jan 2017 20:33:33 -0500
schrieb Gregory Pittman <gpittman at iglou.com>:

> If you can make minted work with pdflatex, you should be able to get
> it to work in a render frame. Look on the wiki page how the parts of
> your latex need to be divided up in the Edit Source dialog, and some
> things you don't need, like \begin{document}.

I second that.

Scribus internally just uses pdflatex for renderframes per default.
So, like Greg said, if your not afraid of or even capable of LaTeX
usage, then using renderframes could be an option to look at.

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