[scribus] designing instructional posters on code/programming -- lots of syntax highlighting

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Tue Jan 10 01:33:33 UTC 2017

On 01/09/2017 05:57 PM, Alec Hill wrote:
>> I've updated the page on the wiki to show this:
> https://wiki.scribus.net/canvas/Render_frames_and_the_LaTeX_listings_package#Two_methods:_Head-to-Head
> I'll try this out and see if the demonstration of using listings can
> illuminate for me what went wrong with my minted efforts.  When I got
> minted to work I was using pdflatex, so minted works on my system in that
> context.

If you can make minted work with pdflatex, you should be able to get it
to work in a render frame. Look on the wiki page how the parts of your
latex need to be divided up in the Edit Source dialog, and some things
you don't need, like \begin{document}.


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