[scribus] designing instructional posters on code/programming -- lots of syntax highlighting

Alec Hill bulk at ahill.io
Mon Jan 9 22:57:30 UTC 2017

> I've updated the page on the wiki to show this:

I'll try this out and see if the demonstration of using listings can
illuminate for me what went wrong with my minted efforts.  When I got
minted to work I was using pdflatex, so minted works on my system in that

Listings is considered inferior to minted
because it doesn't utilize a full lexer, supposedly.  In practice I'm not
sure what this means, but I wonder or suspect that it would deal with how
the code gets colored, for example...

I've got arrays in which the value is usually a string but sometimes a
boolean.  In Vim the array values are displaying consist in color
regardless of whether it's boolean or string, whereas Kate and other
applications are displaying the booleans a different color.

Being able to fine-tune that is appealing, kinda, though not needing to
sounds much better ;^)

> 1.   Use Vim (the latest version on Linux Mint 18.1 is what I used)
> 2.   Drop your code into vim
> 3.   Then print the file to postscript
>      :hardcopy >file.ps
> 4.   Open Scribus (I am using the latest 1.5.3 and import your ps vector

So I was very intrigued by this Vim method :hardcopy > file.ps ((thanks!))
but even though Vim supposedly just uses the colors that are currently
being displayed, I got altogether different colors.  I may explore this one
more also.

Grateful that I'm not going this way alone :)
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