[scribus] a) page numbering b)?bug inserting " character changes, para style (Staffan Melin (Oscillator))

Jerry Halberstadt subscriber at newtechpub.com
Fri Jan 25 02:44:22 UTC 2013

Staffan, thanks. I'm still puzzled.

	Page number:http://documentation.scribus.net/index.php/Page_Numbering

I did follow the instructions, I believe.

  Paragraph changes: Are you pasting text with different style (sometimes)?

No, it happens if I use the program to insert AND if I copy and paste within the same paragraph style.

  I'm not sure I understand your third question... You can't use search
and replace?

The text is in separate blocks on each page, I have to do ^T to open for editing, have not tried search/replace when it is in display mode.

	Or do it before pasting into Scribus?

What are the codes for the special text characters in Scribus?


All the best,

Jerry Halberstadt
"Seeing the story, making a difference."
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