[scribus] Where Did My Text Go?

Joe Zeff joe at zeff.us
Mon Feb 18 20:44:08 UTC 2013

On 02/18/2013 12:05 PM, bobparham at comcast.net wrote:
> Any ideas on finding missing text?

If you've saved your work at least once while adding the text you can 
always either revert to your last save, or exit without saving and 
reopen.  If not, I don't know what to tell you because I run Linux and 
haven't used Windows for anything except games (at a club I belong to) 
in over a decade.

As an aside, my computer habits go back to a time when computers and 
programs were far, far less reliable than they are now, and my motto 
with such things is still, "Save early and save often."  It rarely makes 
a difference, now, but every once in a while I'm glad.  My suggestion 
for the future is that any time you've done something you wouldn't want 
to have to do again (Such as when you've written a section of text that 
you're proud of and that you're not sure you could recreate.) you save 
Right Now to make sure you don't lose it.

Good luck, and if you do recover your lost text, please let the list 
know because there might be somebody else out there who needs to recover 
from some accident.

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