[scribus] The World Naked Bike Ride book wants to thank the Scribus team!

Peter Nermander peter at nermander.se
Wed May 30 05:55:52 UTC 2012

>    Color Book Interior/Cover:
>    Because color book files are required to be PDF/x-1a:2001 compliant, ICC
>     profiles cannot be used for any color book files.

You are misunderstanding things here.

They mean you can not embed a profile in the PDF.

But a profile must be used when creating the PDF, because the
conversion from RGB to CMYK can be done in many different ways.

For example creating black by doing 100% cyan, 100% magenta and 100%
yellow will cause 300% ink coverage.

Using only black ink for black will give a dull black, so usually a
small amount of CMY is added to give a rich black. But the amount of
added CMY is controlled by the profile used.

Try googling "cmyk ink coverage" and you will see that excessive ink
coverage is a very common problem. LSI have strict limits for ink
coverage, those limits must be adhered to.

Obviously the default profile in Distiller is different from the
default profile used in Scribus, but that is really not a problem
because you should (if your are concerned about print quality) always
specify an explicit profile to use.


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