[scribus] scribus on Win7 68bit

isabel brison ijayessbe at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 22:14:28 UTC 2012

> from the theoretical point of view, installing them in the same
> directory is a bad idea, could mess things up and should not really
> help...
> really, you just have to make sure that scribus calls the correct .exe
> file (or the binary file on mac) by fixing the path in the scribus
> preferences.
The trouble is, when I tried to do things properly (i.e. putting Gs64bit in
the 64bit folder and Scribus in the 32bit folder, and setting the path to
Gs in Scribus preferences), this error message kept popping up saying
something about Gs not being in its proper place (I'm afraid I don't
remember the exact message, it was months ago. Probably should have
reported it at the time...).

 When I tried putting them both in the same folder, it worked fine. It's
probably a messy solution, but it did work. Anyway, I'm interested to hear
if anyone has actually got the thing to work as it should with the programs
in different folders, and would like to know how they did it. Always best
to have everything neat and tidy :-)
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