[scribus] Date Insertion

Gregory Pittman gregp_ky at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 23 03:56:49 CET 2010

On 11/22/2010 06:17 PM, David McDow wrote:
> To All,
> I am new to Scribus and new to this group.  Please excuse my naivety.
> I need to insert the current date into the newsletter I am editing.  I
> would preface it with "Printed on" then the current date is inserted.
> I am usually up until the early morning and would like to have this
> done automatically.  Is there a feature similar to "Page Numbering"
> that would insert the current date.  I have checked the Wiki to no
> avail.
I think this is at least an intellectually interesting question, even 
though many if not most would wonder how much bother manually entering 
the date might be. But let's assume you want to do this many times, and 
you're not such a good typist.

Here are a couple of ideas, only the first of which could be used with 
1.3.3.x Scribus.

1. In your .bashrc file, create an alias, ie, a custom command you can 
use in bash:

alias datefile='date +"Printed on %B %d, %Y" > date.txt'

so then, if I type in a terminal 'datefile' (without the quotes), today 
this puts into the file date.txt the following string:
Printed on November 22, 2010

Now, in Scribus, inside some text frame I can either Get Text or Append 
Text and load this file.

2. If you were using 1.3.8, you might put in your Scrapbook a render 
frame for LaTeX, containing either of the following 2 lines:

\bf{Printed on \today}


\sffamily{\bfseries{Printed on \today}}

This puts today's date in a bold serif font (first choice) or bold sans 
font (second choice). The nice thing about this one is that it will 
always have today's date when you make the PDF. The downside is that if 
you pull up the SLA file later it will have the date you load the file 
again, not the day you made it.


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