[scribus] label type project questions

Bill208 repubo at gmail.com
Sat May 15 06:16:26 CEST 2010

David Berg wrote:
> ***My questions...


Your document is not at all complex, and I would suggest to discover the
versatility and power of Scribus, you re-create it in Scribus starting with
a blank page, no pdf imports. It will also be higher quality resolution when

* Is there a way I can manipulate the whole card as an object 
maintaining the layers?  I need to be able to duplicate it multiple 
times across a sheet.

Yes; use Edit/Select All or Edit Advanced Select All then Item/Duplicate or
Item/Multiple Duplicate.

* Once I have multiple copies on the sheet, Is there a way I can 
change the Organization/Date on all copies in one operation? 

There may be; I am not aware of a find & replace feature in Scribus. You
could however save one copy of your document, before duplicating, as a
Template. Open the Template, save it as a new document, make your date
change then duplicate it multiple times.

* Similarly, can I bring names in and have them filled in like one 
would in a mail merge? 

I am not aware of that feature in Scribus. Rememer, it’s a desktop
publishing program, not a word processor. You could try importing your
finished document into a word processing program, create a text box over the
space in your Scribus documents for information from your mail merge list
and try to import the information to the text box. No guarantees that will
work, but it may be worth a try.

View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/label-type-project-questions-tp28560083p28566193.html
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