[scribus] PDF error "An error exists on this page"

Marco Boeringa marco at boeringa.demon.nl
Thu Mar 25 14:11:26 CET 2010

Hi all,

I am using the stable release of Scribus on Windows XP SP3.

I recently made some adjustments to a Scribus document and exported it 
to PDF. No problems saving or opening the *.sla file in Scribus, and the 
Prelight Verifier did not return any issues (at least not for the PDF 
1.5 format, I do have some transparencies).

When I tried to print the document, after having it printed and closing 
the print dialog in Adobe Reader, Adobe Reader returned an "an error 
exists on this page" warning, including a message that some elements 
might not be displayed correctly (all did).

I haven't had this before with previous versions of the Scribus document 
and exported PDF's, but it seems a quite common error with PDF documents 
when I Google for the error, but little clue's as to how to solve it.

How do I find out what is wrong with the Scribus document? Any good way 
to find a problematic "object" in Scribus (except Preflight Verifier, 
which didn't turn up anything)?


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