[scribus] ANNOUNCEMENT: Scribus - The Official Manual is now available for sale!

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Fri Jan 16 03:16:06 CET 2009

D. R. Evans wrote:
> Gregory Pittman said the following at 01/15/2009 05:19 PM :
>> I was hoping Christoph could step forward at some point answer these 
>> kinds of questions, but my sense of it, having been part of the creation 
>> but not the layout, was that this was a rather brute force effort on 
>> Christoph's part - just manually done. I was the initiator of the index, 
>> which was really just a list of words, that got appended as we went.
> Just as you were hoping that Cristoph would answer the question, I was
> hoping that the answer wasn't going to be what it was :-(
> I'll stick with good ol' TeX for this job then, I think. I hate doing
> indices, but at least there are enough TeX macros around to make the job
> just about bearable. I was kind of hoping I could do this book with
> Scribus, partly for the learning experience and partly because I think it's
> likely much easier to do fancy layout (sidebars with light grey
> backgrounds, for example). Whether Scribus is as good at the actual
> typesetting was something I was interested in discovering, too.
> Never mind; maybe by the time I do my next book there will be some
> reasonably automated way to do indices.
Yes, there are things coming which will help. For various reasons, 
things like indices are a bit down the list of priorities at the moment.
> I do use Scribus for covers, though. It's great for that, even though I'm
> using only a tiny part of its potential.
> And I did order the manual (using personal funds, since they didn't take my
> company's credit card), so I'll have in which to immerse myself once it
> arrives.
One of the things I hope to achieve with the manual is wider use of 
Scribus, since I think for some they need to see the book to get a sense 
that learning Scribus is something they can manage.


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