[scribus] Kerning with combining diacriticals

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Wed Aug 12 23:53:02 CEST 2009

On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 17:22:08 -0400
John Culleton <john at wexfordpress.com> dijo:

> > Thanks for the PDF. I read the section about diacriticals, but it
> > did not list the voiceless or syllabic diacritical. Voiceless is
> > a small circle, similar to the citcle on Ångstrom, but below the
> > letter. For characters with a descender it is customary to put
> > the circle above the letter, although I frequently see it still
> > below the letter but adjusted lower so it does not impact the
> > descender. (I would prefer this method, and it should be possible
> > using Scribus' adjustment to the baseline). The syllabic
> > diacritical is a small vertical bar and is used the same as the
> > voiceless symbol.
> >
> > So I need to know how to enter these two diacriticals in TeX. If
> > an underdot below an o is \.o, I need to know what character to
> > use for these two diacriticals. Or is there a way to use a
> > Unicode value for the symbol instead of a letter? Also, do they
> > need a space like the haček?
> >
> > And I also need to figure out how to tell Scribus "hey, the next
> > characters should be rendered as TeX, OK"? Presumably there are
> > some characters I can enter in Story Editor for the "hey" and the
> > "OK."

> With Scribus 1.3.5 and higher you have an icon for TeX. You draw a 
> fram something like a text frame. but it operates differently. 
> There is a sample already in the frame. You can delete that and put 
> any code you like including regular text, diacritics etc.

Ah, I've already been there. But I'm not sure how the Render Frames
work. I need to insert the characters in a story of several pages. I
thought Render Frames just created a graphic. I was under the
impression that I could just enter some secret code into Story Editor
that would tell Scribus to render the following code as TeX.

I'll just wait until you have time to respond. No big rush.

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