[scribus] unable to import images and text

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Wed Oct 8 14:46:01 CEST 2008

Ermin de Winkel wrote:
> My version of Inkscape has the following possibilities:
> Inkscape SVG; pure SVG; compressed Inkscape SVG; compressed pure SVG;
> Postcript; encapsulated postscript; PDF; enhanced metafile; PovRay; Open
> Document drawing; Latex with PStricks macros; desktop cutting plotter; GIMP
> Palette and compressed Inkscape SVG with media.
> Export is PNG only.
> For Scribus:
> External tools (postscript interpreter) is set on gswin32c.exe, this program
> is available in the assigned directory. Version is 8.63
> Program for image control (beeldbewerking in dutch) is GIMP, a program which
> is not available on my computer.
> Al functions in Scribus seem to work. Using preview gives only the following
> error: image DPI value is lower than 144. (This is due to a sample image in
> PNG I used for trying). The result is looking good when ignoring the error
> message.
> Trying out a couple of things gives me the idea that the problem I have has
> more to do with Inkscape than with Scribus. Apparently I have to refrain
> from having good quality images (vectors) and use bitmaps only. At least
> that works...........
If possible, it would  be good to strip out the text from your SVG in 
Inkscape, then save. Import this text-less SVG to Scribus, then add the 
text with text frames in Scribus. This will produce better results by 
far, since you have all the text-modifying capabilities of Scribus at 
your disposal.


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