[Scribus] Minor GUI concerns

Gregory Pittman gpittman
Fri Feb 15 04:19:37 CET 2008

Louis Desjardins wrote:
> Greg,
> I take this opportunity to explain further what I have in mind when I 
> talk about a button named "Create style". While it is very efficient 
> to test various type settings from the PP and immediately see the 
> result in the real text frame of your job (as opposed to the sample 
> text that is in the Edit > Paragraph Styles dialog) it is clumsy to 
> have to go to the Edit > Paragraph Styles dialog to enter again those 
> values when you're satisfied with the result and want that as a Style. 
> The trip to this dialog is time consuming and not very efficient. What 
> I suggest is this button that would allow to immediately create a 
> Style from the settings of the PP (provided as mentionned in an 
> earlier bug report that we harmonize the PP and the Edit > Par Styles 
> dialog). Once hit, we would be offered a small dialog asking for a 
> Style Name and a Keyboard Shortcut (as an option) and voil?!
> I sincerely think this would be a great plus for productivity and 
> creationness! Not a gadget, a real plus in the PP. Consider the fact 
> that afaik Scribus is alone in its category to allow such mousewheel 
> settings combined with ctrl and shift keys to make the finest settings 
> at your fingertip, including changing fonts, typesize, linespacing, 
> kerning... etc. Given all those goodies that are really 
> super-efficient, I am incline to think that a "Create Style" button 
> would be in fact the cherry on the cake, the final touch to the text 
> tab in the PP! Am I too enthusiastic?
very good, Louis. I don't think this is what Cedric had in mind, but 
yours is an excellent idea indeed! As I recall there are a few deficits 
in PP compared to what can be done in Edit Styles, but that shouldn't 
keep this from being a possibility.


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