[scribus] Hebrew

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Tue Aug 26 13:31:12 CEST 2008

Joop wrote:
> Besides my previous question about mixing Dutch and Hebrew in one 
> paragraph, I have more problems with Hebrew text. I use arial in 
> Windows XP. The text in the story editor goes from right to left when 
> I choose Hebrew as my keyboard. But when I put the text in the text 
> frame all letters show up in reversed order, and also not right alined.
> In the properties I see a button with a reversed R (why isn't that 
> button present in the strory editor?), but that doesn't help to change.
> I want to make at least a paragraph style to type Hebrew in the story 
> editor that works properly.
It looks like you'll need to do some kludgy thing, like type them in 
reverse order, or perhaps for longer passages, superimpose another text 
frame in the space you wish to put the Hebrew.
As far as I can tell, right to left is a frame-wide setting.


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