[Scribus] ICC-Profiles
Le Tigre
Thu Feb 15 12:51:39 CET 2007
Aurelien Roux a ?crit :
> Hi !
> I've read some tutorials about ICC-Profiles, and I use them (especially
> LStar) since a little time, but anyway it keeps quite blury for me, and
> as I've a dilemma with a printer service (who is very bad, indeed), I'd
> like to understand it a little more to be sure of what I'm doing before
> sending the pdf to the printer agency.
> So here are some questions :
> 1. What are the advantages, specifities, etc. of each profile (in fact I
> use sRGB, ECI, and LStar profiles) ?
> 2. How can I be sure of what I'm supposed to get on the paper ? (I've to
> add that my graphisms are done with Gimp, so in RGB, and then it's
> scribus which turns them to CMYK) I thought that, as I used an
> ICC-profile and my screen was well-configured, I was supposed to get the
> same as I saw on the screen, but in fact, as I gave the files to a
> printer agency to print some tests, I didin't get the same, and more, I
> didn't get the same for the same profile one day to the other. I tried
> to explain the printer agency that it was their fault, but they don't
> want to hear it, so I want to be sure.
> 3. How can I be sure my screen is well-configured ?
> Thanks.
j'en profite pour dire qu'en fran?ais on manque cruellement
d'explications sur le sujet, alors si tu obtiens des r?ponses qui te
servent, ce serait super de faire un petit article wiki en fran?ais qui
donne des bases sur toutes ces questions. Sur le forum de Linuxgraphic
(http://www.linuxgraphic.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=20) il y a beaucoup
de questions en ce sens, et les r?ponses manquent souvent.
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