[Scribus] scribalbum.pl

Gregory Pittman gpittman
Tue Sep 14 19:41:49 CEST 2004


This version of scribalbum.pl will put labels next to the images and the 
name of the directory in the upper right hand corner. (If you specify a 
relative path you will see a relative path; absolute -> absolute path)

Also, only files ending in jpeg, jpg, tif, png, gif, svg, and pdf (case 
insensitive) will be formatted -- interestingly, PDFs will mostly show 
up, but only the first page of the PDF document.  No luck with SVGs 
(probably handled in a different way), but decided to keep in for the 
cataloguing aspect.  Scribus is very tolerant and simply shows a blank 
frame for anything it can't display.

Why use this instead of another app?
If there is an advantage to scribalbum.pl, it is that you can load your 
image catalogue, start working on a new document, then switch within 
Scribus to your .sla catalogue back and forth from your work without 
ever leaving the app or workspace you're in. Plus you get to use 
Scribus' great features to tweak an image in Gimp, for example.  
scribalbum.pl is also pretty mindless -- does one thing, does it fast.  
Since this is creating an .sla document, the output takes up very little 

Other formats?
I think what I will do is create a format for A4 pages, with 8 images to 
a page, but comment the appropriate lines out (in perl you do this with 
a '#' at the start of the line).  This would allow someone to switch if 
they wished, but maybe even figure out a personal mod without having to 
buy a book on Perl.
    It amounts to 4 things:
       1. changing the page format
       2. changing the number of images
       3. adjusting the size of the image frames as needed -- could just 
make the current ones smaller
       4. changing the placement of the image and text frames with the 
arrays @xpos, @ypos, @xpostxt, @ypostxt

Greg Pittman
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