[Scribus] Translation: Moving from PO to TS file

Riku Leino Tsoots foom
Sat Jan 31 02:52:56 CET 2004

Riku Leino (Tsoots) wrote:
> You should probably try doing this lupdate by first creating a .pro file 
> for sources and then running lupdate on that .pro file.
> In top level source directory for scribus (Scribus/scribus) do: qmake 
> -project      (Thanks to malex for this).
> This will result a file called scribus.pro that you must edit in some 
> text editor. Browse to the bottom of that file and add the path to your 
> ts file in there. Here's how it's in my scribus.pro TRANSLATIONS += 
> /home/tsoots/ohj/translations/ts/scribus.fi.ts
> now run: lupdate scribus.pro

Lupdate still marks some strings as obsolete even it shouldn't, for 
example All PDF field's types in field's properties window. As a 
solution I've edited the ts file with some text editor and removed all 
'type="obsolete"' before editing and lreleasing the translation.

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