[scribus-dev] CTL and Trunk: where are we at?

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Tue Apr 26 00:43:45 UTC 2016

On 04/25/2016 06:39 PM, Khaled Hosny wrote:
> One issue that always bugs me is the lack of test files attached to most
> issue reports, and one is expected to follow some vague instructions (or a
> screen shot of some Scribus settings). This is really just making it
> hard for everyone involved, and I think it should be a requirement that
> the issue reports attaches a small document showing the issue (unless it
> is something that can’t be captured in a document of course).

You might post this to the regular list also, since there may be some
who don't subscribe to this list that could report bugs.
As a further hint, I would suggest being a bit more positive, i.e., not
so much complaining ("one issue that always bugs me"), and more words of
encouragement, in hope that bugs will continue to be reported, and maybe
even more helpful bugs with attached files.


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