[scribus] scribus 1.5.6 svn on linux Xubuntu and 1.5.7 svn on Windows

Gimp-Werkstatt gimp-werkstatt at gmx.de
Fri Feb 12 11:42:38 UTC 2021

Hallo everybody,

I was triying to work with scribus, but it I do have some problems.

I'm using Linux Xubuntu LTS.

1. I installed scribus 1.5.5 as it comes straight out of the package
system. And in addition I installed 1.5.6 svn daily built (trunk).
Having installed both was making it impossible to open an sla by double
click. So I uninstalled 1.5.6 and it solved the problem.

2. I worked out a template in which I created several styles. For
headings and standard text only.After I wrote some text and formatted it
with the styles, I found the headings too big and changed them in the
template. Unfortunately, the new formatting was not adopted in the text.

3. I thought it was probably a bug and uninstalled 1.5.5 and reinstalled
1.5.6 svn (via ppa).Now I get an error message every time I start the
program. Here is a copy of the massage:

"Es ist ein Problem beim Laden von 1 von 55 Plugins aufgetreten.


Wahrscheinlich liegt ein Abhängigkeitsproblem vor, oder es existieren
noch ältere Plugins in Ihrem Installationsverzeichnis.
Wenn Sie das Installationsverzeichnis löschen, Scirbus anschließend neu
installieren und das Proglem dann immer noch auftritt, melden Sie den
Fehler bitte auf bugs.scribus.net."

"There was a problem loading 1 of 55 plugins.


There is probably a dependency problem or there are older plugins in
your installation directory.If you delete the installation directory,
then reinstall Scirbus and the program still occurs, please report the
error to bugs.scribus.net. "

I don't know where to find the installation directory. That's why I made
an attempt at my Windows partition.

4. I have now installed Scribus on Windows 10 (with the latest updates).
When the program starts, it searches for all fonts, then all plugins and
then aborts the start without an error message.I cannot uninstall
Scribus 1.5.7 svn from Windows because it does not appear in the
directory of installed programs. However, it is listed in the program
selection via Start.

I would be very grateful for your help.
Thanks a lot in advance

Anke Lange


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