[scribus] Scribus 1.5.5 & Lulu.com

Kidlington Voice Online louise.lloyd at kvoice.co.uk
Fri Aug 28 13:49:37 UTC 2020

Dear fellow Scribus users,


First, I am very happy with the pricing and print quality of the printed 
documents I have had produced by lulu.com and I am not planning to leave 
Lulu as my preferred company for my print-on-demand jobs.

I am also a relatively new user to Scribus 1.5.5 but I am delighted to 
have found it, and I am getting on well with it.

I am very slowly learning through experience that final print quality 
when produced on paper, is very much governed by the specific PDF 
settings of the submitting software, and that each individual 
printing-press can have its own preferred requirements. I have run some 
printing test from Scribus, but I am finding it hard to settle precisely 
on the optimum settings in Scribus which also match the perfect printing 
requirements of Lulu.

For example, should I always save my PDF using Scribus with the option 
PDF/X-4? (among many other potential options). Many of the options 
appear to affect the reproduction quality of photographs which, in my 
case, see always to come out darker when printed on paper than they were 
when I put them into my PDF using Scribus. Have I got a wrong Scribus 
setting, perhaps? Too many possible permutations.

So, I write now to our group to ask if anyone else is using Lulu for 
their print-on-demand? And, if so, could we possibly begin to gather and 
share the particular set of specific print options which would be ideal 
for that particular printing company?

In other words, what is the best possible set of PDF options to select 
in Scribus if you know that Lulu.com will be printing for you.

I hope this post may help others too.

Thank you.


Louise Lloyd
Publishing Director
louise.lloyd at kvoice.co.uk
Promoting Enterprise in the Local Community

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