[scribus] My thought so far, on Scribus as a serious contender

Colin colin at madwolf.co.uk
Wed Feb 28 07:26:48 UTC 2018

I'm not saying it's a Formula One car yet in terms of speed, but with all the performance improvements in 1.5.x it at least starts to resemble a Porsche or a BMW sports car ;)
Thanks Christoph

All very encouraging - some more thoughts etc. . .

Regarding the Save As dialogue box,  I cannot see why it is a factor of the MAC OS, when the OS displays it correctly with the tree opening as you select it.  Scribus calls up its own dialogue box (not in the OS style) so it may behave differently.

iMac 27” 5k 2017 running MAC OS 10.13.3

Scribus 1.5.3   Appearance:  English (UK). Theme: Macintosh. Icon Set: 1.5.1. use small widgets 10pt font menus

What I like:  

1. Very much like the pre-flight error checking, seems to pick up everything which is comforting - I also like the export progress bars that pop up - neat !  My problem image file had a resolution of 2400dpi why that is a problem I am not sure.

2.  Implementation of the application of a graduated fill to a frame, is wonderfully intuitive.  I always hated the way Adobe did it, and if you rotated the frame, all manner of confusion ensued.

Questions or What I hate:  

1. PDF export - my Master Page numbers appear lower than they are in Scribus - will investigate (see below)

2. Grouped objects don’t seem to translate very well

   OK:  these two above are linked as they have to do with graduated tint boxes

 1. My Master Page numbers you may remember are white over a graduated tint box - changing that box below the number to solid colour, makes them appear in the correct place.  I had a text box with white page numbers over a graduated tint box of green to none.  Albrecht suggested filling the text box with a colour instead of having two boxes - I learnt from InDesign that this can be problematic.  

Further investigation reveals it is nothing to do with the number box, what is happening in the output, is the tint box is smaller in height than it should be, changing the resolution of the PDF output has no effect.

Deleting these boxes and trying the gradient filled, number text box works fine !   Another win over InDesign

2. The grouped object also included a gradient tint box, I un-grouped it and now the gradient tint box is shown in the correct place - whereas it did not appear at all when the objects were grouped.

3.  It is taking me ages to get used to where, items are - in particular ‘Space before Para’ and text alignment within the frame, they seem to be in illogical places.  And ‘Space Before Para’ is really useful to  apply to any para as it helps get text the same distance below an image, but in Scribus you can only apply it within a style.

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