[scribus] About text indenting in Scribus 1.5.(4 SVN)

Giovanni Bianchessi bgio at libero.it
Mon Oct 2 18:08:07 UTC 2017

>> But usign paragraph styles, I think, all the attributes yet in the text imported (bolds, italics), would be lost.
>> Since in Scribus styles, actually, does not exists the possibility of setting a parameter as "as is, don't change".
> Something which occurred to me is that you could use tabs (tabulators)
> to accomplish the same thing as indentation, at least of the first line
> of a paragraph. Tab distances are adjustable for a particular paragraph
> style, and would not affect the text in any way.
> Greg

Actually, to by-pass the problem, I use tabs, but I really need to use indentation, since I need to differentiate the indent of the first line from the rest of the paragraph.


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