[scribus] Problème avec l'album et les styles

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Sat Nov 11 15:38:02 UTC 2017

On 11/11/2017 09:56 AM, jckmchlcrnl at gmail.com wrote:
> Bonjour à tous
> Je viens de commencer avec Scribus 1.4.2 sous Linux et je rencontre le
> problème suivant :
>  * Je crée un cadre dans lequel je mets untexte de style donné (créé
>    avec le gestionnaire de styles).
>  * Si je recopie  (Ctrl-C,CtrlV) ce cadre ailleurs dans le document, je
>    récupère un cadre analogue avec le même style de texte.
>  * Mais si je sauvegarde ce cadre dans l'album, alors, lorsque je le
>    remets dans le document, il a perdu le style de texte.
> Est-ce un bug ou y a-t-il quelque chose que je n'ai pas compris ?

Hi Jack-Michel,

There does seem to be a problem, but maybe not as bad as you think.
As I understand your issue, what you're saying is that if you save an
text frame which uses a style you created to the Scrapbook, when you
then use this frame in another document, you don't see the style.

What I see with 1.5.4svn is that the text features of the style are
present in the new document, but when you open the Styles editor, you
don't see the style.

However, if you open Story Editor for this text frame, you will see that
your named style is seen in the left window.
Now if you go back to the Style Editor and don't select any kind of
style, click the Edit button. You should then see your style imported
from the Scrapbook appear in the list.

The problem seems to be that the list of Styles doesn't get updated when
you paste something from the Scrapbook, annoying, but at least there is
a workaround.


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