Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Mon Mar 16 17:13:58 UTC 2015

On 03/16/2015 10:47 AM, Luiz DeLuca wrote:
> Alô, pessoal!Uso o scribus 1.4.5 e não consegui trabalhar com o que julgo um bug.É o seguinte: quando aplico uma cor ao fundo da caixa de texto e uso as porcentagens para ajustá-la, esse procedimento altera também as cores que eu tenha aplicado ao texto, tornando-o mais claro ou escuro conforme a cor do fundo que estiver sendo trabalhada.Assim, a cor do texto se altera a cada vez que eu ajustar a cor do fundo.
> O que devo fazer para tornar a aplicação e ajuste de cores da caixa de texto independentes entre si? Peço ajuda!Luiz g.de Luca

Hello, everyone! I use the scribus 1.4.5 and could not work with what I
consider one bug. It is the following: when I apply a color to the
background of the text box and use the percentages to fit, this
procedure also changes the colors I have applied to the text, making it
lighter or darker as the background color that is being worked. Thus,
the text color changes every time I set the background color.
What should I do to make the application and color adjustment of
independent text box each other? I ask for help! Luiz g.de Luca

This is the Google translate version -- not perfect but I think we get
the gist.

I have to say that this has been one of my disappointments with how
transparency works. It not only involves the background but also the
text in the frame.

So to expand on what a.l.e said, make the color in your text frame None.
Use Item > Multiple Duplicate to make a copy of the frame with no X-Pos
or Y-Pos change. Delete the text from this new frame, then change its
background color and transparency to what you wish, then move it down
below the original frame.

And yes, Luiz, though it hasn't come up in a while, this is NOT an
English-only or English-preferred list. We can cope with most languages
pretty easily with or without Google translate.


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