[scribus] New features in Scribus 1.5.1svn -- feedback, testing and bug reports required

Ivan Winters iwinters at virginmedia.com
Mon Jun 15 14:01:17 UTC 2015

Christoph mailed :

>Hi all,

>Not long ago, we released Scribus 1.5.0, and the development of 1.5.1,
which will bring us closer >to the next stable version 1.6.0, is underway.

>We have recently added some amazing new features that need feedback and
testing from those >who are willing to build 1.5.1svn (and a new
dependency) from source and to test, namely:



>5) Thanks to the release of libfreehand 0.1.1 by the Document Liberation
Project, Scribus can >now import Freehand files (FH*) to the extent
libfreehand allows. To build libfreehand 0.1.1 on >Linux, just extract a
source archive available from http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/src/libfreehand,
>cd into the source directory, run ./configure, make, and (as root) make
install, and finally >ldconfig, also as root. After that, CMake will detect
libfreehand automatically (make sure to >delete CMakeCache.txt in the
./Scribus source directory before running your cmake >command). Initial
tests have shown that it's already working pretty well.

>The Scribus Team (and I'm sure Document Liberation as well) would be
grateful for feedback and >bug reports.



Great news Christoph and thanks to all the developers for their efforts. Re
item 5 and the release of libfreehand 0. 1. 1. your info for installing
this is aimed at Linux users. This is a regular problem on this mailing
list - it is all aimed at Linux users ! Can this new package be installed
on Windows OS ? If so can info be put on the list regarding
uploading/installing this package on Windows. I use XP 32 bit.


Ivan Winters
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