[scribus] Painted myself into a corner.

John Culleton John at wexfordpress.com
Sun Feb 22 18:15:24 UTC 2015

I wanted to massage the customer's book in
Scribus 1.4.5. So I loaded his doc file into
Libre office and created an odf file. I created a
Scribus file  in the right size and with about
250 pages, linked. I loaded the odf file via the
text editor. Now I have the text in scribus. I
began inserting frame/page breaks via the text
editor. Problem is it runs slower than molasses
in February. It is trying to edit all 250 pages
at once. So I would like to separate the pages I
have already marked with a page break
(control/return) from the link string, either
from the front end or the back end. But Scribus
then treats the first page as having all the text
and a huge overflow. 

How do I separate some pages from the link
string yet retain just their current contents?

If that is a bridge too far how do I separate
pages into reasonable subsets using Libris

John Culleton
Wexford Press
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