[scribus] Preferred workflow for mostly text book

john Culleton John at wexfordpress.com
Tue Feb 18 19:45:25 UTC 2014

I am trying my first real book interior in
Scribus, and the page count will exceed 128.
There will be text plus lots of black and white
illos. I will use 1.5.0.

 So what is the preferred workflow:
1. Type each chapter externally and import as text
into a set of linked pages. Then export the
chapter as pdf.
2. Type each chapter using story editor. Then
export the chapter as pdf.
3. Type the whole book in one document.

I am concerned about two things: speed/ease of
production and size of the ultimate pdf. It seems
to me that if I merge chapters using pdftk
then there will be a lot of repetition in the pdf
of fonts etc. 

My background is TeX, both pdftex and Context

John Culleton
Wexford Press
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