[scribus] Colors for text (rush job)

José Antonio Rocha joseantoniorocha at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 12:20:46 UTC 2013

2013/7/16 John Jason Jordan <johnxj at comcast.net>

> I need to create a simple graphic, text only, for a banner at a trade
> booth. Naturally, people waited until the last minute before asking
> me to do this, so I am in a rush. I am trying to set the color of the
> text, but in the Properties palette I am offered only a handful of
> colors. The output must be CMYK, but I figured I would let the PDF
> export handle that. How can I create a custom color for text?
> Try Ghostscript conversion with a command line like that:

gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=doc_gray.pdf
-dProcessColorModel=/DeviceGray -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 doc.pdf

[image: Meira]
nome: "José Antonio Meira da Rocha"
googletalk: email: MSN: joseantoniorocha at gmail.com
veículo: [ http://meiradarocha.jor.br ]
fones: 55-8411-3047 / 55-3744-2994
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