[scribus] thanks for help; minor annoyance in list mails.

Jerry Halberstadt subscriber at newtechpub.com
Sat Jan 26 20:45:39 UTC 2013

reply from Vladimir Savic<vladimir.firefly.savic at gmail.com>

Thanks Vladimir, you have helped me understand where the problem lies; and thanks to the others who provided help. I suppose I would be upset that Scribus is imperfect, but considering the cost, and the fact that it does so much so well...back to work.  8-)

Minor annoyance: In the posts from lists.scribus.net the top part contains basic information on the list, followed by the list of contents. For me, it would be nicer if the top showed the list of contents so I could decide to read/delete without having to scroll down. As they say, not a biggie, but...  :-)

All the best,

Jerry Halberstadt
"Seeing the story, making a difference."
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