[scribus] Requirements for precompiled Scribus downloads.

john Culleton John at wexfordpress.com
Tue Dec 10 09:18:53 UTC 2013

I already have the requirements for Scribus on my
Slackware Linux partition. But for those that
download a precompiled stable version I have the
following questions:

For Windows users:
1. Do they need to install Ghostscript before
downloading and installing Scribus?
2. Do they need to install ImageMagick before
downoading and installing Scribus?

For Linux users (various flavors):
1. do they need to have Ghostscript installed
2. Do they need to install ImageMagick first?

For all users:
What Scribus functionality is lost if ImageMagick
is omitted? The reason I ask is that I don't have
ImageMagick included in my (in)famous svn script. 

I know about Gimp already :<)

John Culleton
Wexford Press
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