[scribus] Tagging text for styles.

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Fri Mar 30 16:36:33 UTC 2012

On 03/30/2012 11:35 AM, john Culleton wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Mar 2012 09:05:09 +0200
> ale rimoldi<ale.comp_06 at xox.ch>  wrote:
>> hi dcat,
>>> All the examples cited use a two character tag (reminiscent of
>>> HTML, TeX  or Groff), such as \H1, P1 etc. Are the tags limited
>>> to two characters?
>>> Must the first be alpha and the second numeric?
>> have you tried?
>> ciao
>> a.l.e
> Well I can experiment with different combos such as \Chapter and
> \section (two I use in the Context variant of TeX) but it would
> save time if someone stated the actual rules. I note that unlike
> TeX there is no space between the tag and the text, so I assume
> that there are limits to the tag format. Otherwise tag \Li and
> tag \Lia could cause confusion.

It's entirely possible you're the only one concerned about this issue. 
It may be that whoever wrote the code for tags didn't even consider it.

The reason is that it would make most sense for a tag to be short, so 
that there is less typing and less room for error when putting tags into 
a text file.

I have no objection to someone testing 
\averylongtagindicatingsomecomplexconcept, but if it doesn't work, I 
don't think it will be a hot item on the bug list.


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