[scribus] a new ebook

Johan Vromans jvromans at squirrel.nl
Wed Jun 13 15:13:50 UTC 2012

ale rimoldi <ale.comp_06 at xox.ch> writes:

> hi
>> Peter Nermander <peter at nermander.se> writes:
>> > My fear is that introducing such a feature will increase the amount
>> > of requests to adopt Scribus for ebook creation, and that will in
>> > turn take developer resources from features that are more important.
>> Exactly.
> please, tell me what i should do instead...

As someone stated in another mail, the primary goal for Scribus is to
provide a tool for quality DTP and top notch PDF. There are no other
open source tools that can match Scribus.

When development effort is going to be diverted to ebook production
there's a risk that DTP/PDF will drop behind, even to the point that it
is not useful anymore. We already have a hard time to be taken seriously
(one of my last print jobs almost failed not because of PDF quality, but
because they didn't want PDF generated by an open source tool).

If someone wants to develop a pluging or something similar for ebook
production -- fine, but please concentrate on DTP/PDF.

-- Johan

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