[scribus] Python SQL fetch and formatting xml tags

Jean Mielot j.mielot at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 12:30:07 UTC 2012


My magazine uses a php sql system that I built for importing stories 
into what used to be Indesign, but is now Scribus ; -)

Indesign was able to import xml files and apply styles to matching tags.
I am sure Scribus can do this with some python help AND one won't even 
have to go via an xml file and instead connect directly to the db.

I just need some help with this script.

1. I need to be able to fetch a record's field (perhaps with a provided 
id for now).
2. Import the content (text) into a frame (probably the selected frame)
3. apply styles to matching tags ie. "<textem>this is italics</textem>"
4. Delete the tags

I'm sure this is doable and I will try to do so but I think I 
specifically need help with 3 and 4.

Any ideas?


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