[scribus] Development environment

Mark Heieis mheieis at alois.ca
Tue Dec 4 17:59:45 UTC 2012

Hi There,

I have a few questions:

1) Is there something that describes the development environment and 
tools that are being used? (Yes, there is a good description of how to 
get the archive installed onto one's system, what third party libs are 
required and then how to build it using cmake). That works great.

For instance, can you use eclipse (what I'm familiar with) to manage and 
build and submit? I see that QT Creator is used, but as I'm not familiar 
with it, does it support management of many of non c/c++ files and 
functionality (eg. python files for scripter). What do the existing 
contributors use?

2) I would be nice for those new to the project to have a document 
indicating the expectations and process on how to make, test and submit 
changes to scribus

3) Is it git or svn that should be used going forward? I've seen 
discussions on this.

4) Are there any architecture or design documents? For scripter?

If this all exists and I've missed it, my apologies and just send me to 
the locations.

Thanks in advance.

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