[scribus] Bullets, numbering and drop caps

cezaryece czarek at oferuje.pl
Thu Aug 23 06:51:41 UTC 2012

Hi all.
I have start work on bullets and numbering (counting) support in Scribus.
And I have one small question about how these features should interact between 
each other.

I was check that in InDesign user can apply only bullet or numeration - not 
both at once. Interesting is that in ID user can apply drop cap with bullet or 
numeration, but it seems not having much sense as drop cap is applied to first 
char after bullet/number - not usable for me.

In Ventura user can apply only bullet or drop cap, but both cases can be 
applied with count number. But still drop cap is applied for first char after 
counting number.

In first design of solution for Scribus I have made possibility to apply only 
one effect: drop cap, bullet or numbering
But... maybe somebody has need of usage these effects together?
All three at once?
If not then which effect should avoid usage of which one?

If drop cap can be used with other effects then for which char should be 
applied: bullet/number or like in ID for first char after?


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