[scribus] booklet printing?

Peter Nermander peter at nermander.se
Tue Jul 26 15:15:03 UTC 2011

> John.... what you describe to me in your post seems way above my head. I'm
> not familiar with scripts and how I go about doing that without step by step
> instructions.

IMO John should stop trying to get people to use the psutils way. It's
harder for people to try to export from Scribus to postscript than to
have them download Quantum Elephants Bookbinder program.


> (and this only started happening in the past year) and print a booklet from
> the pdf, I get those extra margins.

This is most likey a setting in the program you are printing from.
What do you use for printing? In Adobe Reader the default setting for
scaling is "Adjust to margins". It should be set to "None".


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