[scribus] align and distribute

Mike Sleger chappa-ai at q.com
Sat Jul 9 14:00:00 UTC 2011

If I was doing this, I'd make separate text frames for the quotes.  Then the quotes could have a style applied to the frame, and the frame could have an outline and/or fill applied to it.  To get the quotes inserted between paragraphs, I'd split the text into linked frames with the appropriate space between them, then center the quote frame between the linked text frames.  That might not be the best approach, but it would get the job done, preserve the text integrity in Story Editor, and provide a lot of flexibility with quote formatting.


On Jul 9, 2011, at 7:53 AM, Adrienne Carmack wrote:

> Well, now it worked right in the first instance but it isn't working in the others.
> What I have is several pages of text that are autoflowed. I have certain quotes that are pulled out and displayed in a different font within a text frame. So I basically have the text frame overlaying the other larger text box with the text wrapping around it. This text frame is what I want positioned precisely between the preceding and following lines of text.
> I could use paragraph styles for these quotes, but we want to apply formatting to the text frame border, and I don't think that is possible if we are using paragraph styles, correct?
> Adrienne
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