[scribus] Script: Bullets and numbered lists updated

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Sun Jan 16 18:58:09 CET 2011

This morning (January 16) I tried to test the script, but I know
nothing, so I probably messed it up.

First, I went to the page where the script is posted, copied all to the
clipboard (Fedora 14, x86_64), then in Scribus 1.3.9 I went to Script >
Show Console and pasted the script into it. I saved it as "bullets.py"
in ~/.scribus. (I guessed that it had to end in .py, because the
documentation didn't say anything other than "save.") Then, from the
Console window I tried Script > Run. This resulted in lots of Syntax
and Indentation errors in the bottom window of the Console.

Then I tried to run the script from the bullets.py file using Script >
Execute Script, but Scribus could not find it because the open script
dialog box cannot see hidden folders. I made a copy of the file to ~/
and then Scribus could find it.

The script ran great. I didn't test all of the features, however.

I suggest that the page where the script is posted could use some basic
instructions for how and where to save the script and how to run it.

Ideally, I'd like it to appear with the other scripts in Script >
Scribus Scripts, but I can't figure out where to save it so it will
appear there.

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