[scribus] editing text frame to be a shadow

Teodor-Toma Silvestru Muntean teodomas at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 6 15:26:29 UTC 2011

Hi, Adrienne, unfortunately Scribus not have yet the drop-shadow effect feature. You will need to draw it manuallyhow to:write the text, set white (or anything else) color for your text box1 for non-grandiend shadow, draw a rectangle with grey (or whatever color you want for shadow) and put bellow your text box with a little displace
2 for gradient drop-shadow,draw in Inkscape (GIMP, Illustrator, Photoshop, Paint.net or whatever) a rectagle with same size as your text box, gaussian-blur it, import in Scribus, put it after your text box with some displace. If you put it other layer bellow as your text can be give the 'multiply' transparency for this layer (properties panel/color/blend mode)
p.s.Sorry my english isn't perfect

--- On Sat, 8/6/11, Adrienne Carmack <adrienne.carmack la gmail.com> wrote:

From: Adrienne Carmack <adrienne.carmack la gmail.com>
Subject: [scribus] editing text frame to be a shadow
To: scribus la lists.scribus.net
Date: Saturday, August 6, 2011, 4:11 PM

I'd like to make a text box with a shadow effect. I've searched and
searched, and thought I'd found instructions, but I'm still not seeing
how to do it. Please let me know if clear instructions are available
somewhere, or just tell me how to do it.

Many thanks!

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