[scribus] (no subject)

Nikita Sagl nikita.s at gmx.at
Fri Nov 26 16:00:46 CET 2010


Scribus 1.3.8 on Ubuntu 10.4

i tried to design my logo in Scribus. Its made out of simpe coloured
text and three pictures in picture boxes.
I then grouped the 4 Elements and saved it in Scrapebook, for reusing it
on different pages.
The problem I discovered is, that when i try to scale the whole group,
just the text is being scaled, the pictures not, the remain in size and
on the place the had within the group.
Is there a way to scale within a text-and-picture-mixture-box both

i know I can create and insert a logo designing it via inkscape or the
gimp first, but wonder, if it is possible to do it the way I tried.
Would be nice.

thank you, 
liebe Grüße,
Nikita Sagl

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