[scribus] Making Booklets with Laidout from inside Scribus

Tom Lechner lechner at aceweb.com
Mon Nov 15 01:13:49 CET 2010


I've just released Laidout version 0.091, which includes a python 
script for Scribus that lets you call up Laidout's new signature editor 
to impose Scribus documents into booklets, calendars, and anything else 
derived from certain kinds of folds. 

You can see a video tutorial of this in action here:

and a fuller demonstration of the editor here:

You can also grab the script here:

I haven't done very thorough testing of it, but it seems to mostly work 
for files that I've thrown at it, which admitedly are not very complex. 
The known deficiencies are that master pages are ignored, and images 
whose bounds are not identical to their frames are a little funky 

-Tom Lechner

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