[scribus] Using scribus from console

Gregory Pittman gregp_ky at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 8 17:30:35 CET 2010

On 11/08/2010 10:46 AM, Stefan Riffert wrote:
> Submitted on 11/08/2010
> Submitted by anonymous user: []
> Submitted values are:
> Name: Stefan Riffert
> Email Address: riffert at la-well.de
> Subject: Using scribus from console
> Message:
> Hello,
> we are developing a print portal. The main intention is, that user are
> able to choose from a sortiment of flyers and put customized
> informations on it. Afterwards this flyer will be send as a pdf to our
> printjobs.
> The flyer templates are generated by an office using scribus. We get the
> goods as pdf documents from them.
> It is not a problem to insert some text into predefined spaces if the
> text has a predefined maximum length.
> In view to change words in a running text or to insert paragraphs in
> different lengths, we need more flexibility on it.
> On this topic the following question:
> Is it possible to save a scribus project as a formatting objects file
> (xsl-fo)?
> or
> Is it possible to invoke scribus through a script (Python or PHP)?
Hi Stefan,

You have come to the right place!
Although this particular format, xsl-fo, isn't possible, you can of 
course use templates as you seem to be doing. You can also use File > 
Collect for Output, which can save your SLA file and its images in one 
directory, which can be good for collaborative uses.

And yes, we have Scripter, which uses Python for a variety of operations.

Check the wiki for various details and examples of using Scripter.



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