[scribus] Embed PDF & EPS

Niko Genimakis ngenimakis at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 23:10:09 CET 2010

Submitted on 03/24/2010
Submitted by anonymous user: []

Submitted values are:

   Your contact information:
     Name: Niko Genimakis
     Email Address: ngenimakis at gmail.com
   About your Scribus program:
     Version: 1.3.6svn
     Prebuilt/Compiled: Prebuilt
     Build Date:
   Your operating system and CPU:
     Type: Linux
     Version: Ubuntu 9.10
     CPU type: 32bit  Intel/AMD (i386)
   Your request content:
     Subject: Embed PDF & EPS
Hello there,

I've just upgraded my version of scribus-ng from the APT repository. When  
exporting to PDF, the experimental option to embed PDF & EPS files is there  
but it's not selectable. This means you have to resort to either rasterizing  
(the Scribus default option) or outlining (as described here:  
http://bit.ly/aEMip5) to embed TeX frames. I have the libpodofo0 and  
libpodofo0-utils packages installed, both are version 0.7.0-1.

Is there any way to make this option work again? Thanks in advance.

Niko Genimakis

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