[scribus] logo and slogan note

Robert Martinez mail at mray.de
Sun Jan 31 17:41:02 CET 2010

Hi there,

In my opinion scribus public perception would benefit if it used only 
one logo everywhere. There seems to be a variety of versions on the 
website/wiki/application/splash/blog (some consisting of the circle 
and/or the knob and/or the bright wave). Is this intentional?

The second thing is the slogan: "open source desktop publishing".
I don't intend to start a flame war :) ... but isn't it technically even 
"free software"?! (I'm just curious if there are technical reasons or 
personal likes/dislikes to the term)
I also think the slogan (no matter what slogan) does not need to be as 
prominent on the homepage as the actual name of the application.

Just my thoughts.


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