[scribus] Kind person who can help

Peter Nermander peter at nermander.se
Tue Feb 16 13:00:01 CET 2010

> The second sample is done this way:

> psbook source.ps | psnup -l -Pa5 -pa4 -2 > imposed.ps

Are you sure about that? Look at the page numbers again. It is NOT a
book imposition.

Pages should be in order
1 133 (front first sheet)
2 134 (rear first sheet)
3 135 (front second sheet)
4 136 (rear second sheet)
5 137
6 138
7 139
8 140
.  .
.  .
130 262
131 263 (front last sheet)
132 264 (rear last sheet)

(And I just realised my numers are off because we need at least 266
pages, but it illustrates the imposition needed at least:-)

So he can cut the stack in two halves and put the left half on top of
the right half.

With a book imposition I think you would get

264 1
263 2


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