[scribus] Inline editing character controls in your face

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Mon Oct 26 20:46:26 CET 2009

lieber herr K.

> Would it be possible to have a dockable toolbar type sort of thing
> which appears when you are doing inline text editing. This toolbar 
> should/could have all the sort of controls that appear in the story 
> editor toolbar.
> e.g. font picker, alignment controls, underline.

windows > properties

> Also to appease some could (optionally?) a bold and italic button be 
> possible
> (even if it then has to auto update the font appropriately?)

no, scribus offers only access to real bold and italic.

it's all about reliability. you'll be grateful, when you see that the
work you get back from the printshop looks like what you have thought it
should have been!

> Also out of curiousity why is it that some ttf fonts have a single
> file and in Word/Publisher you can still make bold or italic, but in
> scribus it appears you can not. You only can do it if there are
> separate font files (with bold or italic in name) ?

it's because they are different files!

> Is this the right place to make suggestions, or should it be lodged 
> somehow somewhere else ?

it's ok to do so. but:
- you're ideas will be taken more seriously if you refrain from
  comparing scribus with publisher
- one the idea has been discussed here -- and if you have not changed
  your mind -- you should put your suggestions and bug reports into

have fun

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