[scribus] Vertical alignment?

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Mon Mar 30 14:04:04 CEST 2009

>> Out of interest, why is it tricky ?  It sounds easy from my naive 
>> perspective.  I'm curious.
> Well, not being one of the devs, I'm can't be sure. With horizontal 
> centering, you're dealing with one line of text, but with vertical one 
> or maybe several lines of text. I try to think of what I might need in 
> Scripter for feedback so that I might automate such a process, and it 
> isn't easy for me to conceive what that is. In the main GUI, there is 
> an ability to set a Top space from the frame border to the beginning 
> of text, but the resulting bottom space is a secondary passive amount 
> -- does or can Scribus know what this is?
i'm not one of the devs, either... but the author of the script which 
vertically centers the text in a frame:


the script only aligns the text in its current state. so if you add more 
text, it won't be centered anymore: it's a static alignement.

the API which is available for scripting doesn't enable a dynamic 
centering and in the current state of scribus, it wouldn't make much 
sense either.

the scripts i wrote, work probably only with 1.3.5 and are still a proof 
of concept and not (yet) ready for production.

the implementation is indeed not very complicated, but what is a bit 
more difficult is to implement the right features in the right way (what 
happens when the text flows between several chained frames? ...)

you're welcome to play on them and report (to me? in the wiki) any 
problem you see.

depending on the feedback i receive, i may implement the features in 
scribus' "main code".

have fun

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