[scribus] mixing rgb and cmyk

Andrew A. Gill superluser at frontiernet.net
Thu Jun 26 02:55:10 CEST 2008

On Wed, 25 Jun 2008, Tino Schwarze wrote:
> Cinepaint 0.23 has very decent color management support (using the
> Oyranos CMS). Kai-Uwe Behrmann has put a lot of effort into it. I didn't
> look very deep yet, but it loaded CMYK TIFFs just fine and I was able to
> use the "Window Info..." dialog to look at the CMYK values.

I'm pretty sure that 0.22 does not (just checked), but Wikipedia 
says it does, and you confirmed it.  So that probably means that 
it's a new feature in 0.23.  Excellent news!  I never really 
liked Krita.

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